1. Buy Disney candy to pass out. Anything with a Disney character on it will most likely earn your favor with the neighborhood kids.

2. If your planning on trick or treating, better go in style. Don't carry around a cliche pumpkin bag , instead, buy a Disney themed bad instead!

3. Carve Disney Pumpkins! You can find stencils at: http://spoonful.com/
4. Dress up as a Disney Character! Weather your trick or treating, or simply watching t.v. and passing out candy, everyone would love to see you as a Disney Character...and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind it yourself anyways!
5. Make special themed desserts for Halloween. Recipes are also on spoonful.com, they have everything on that site... it's my fave!
6. Eat caramel apples! Bonus points if you can make a Disney parks designed one!

7. Don't forget to watch the NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS! It's a vital Halloween classic!
8. Lastly, If you have no plans, Mickey's Halloween party is a great way to spend your Halloween. (More info on this to come;)
Well that's all for tonight folks!!! And remember...there are two words that help you get through life, it's Called, "HAKUNA...MATATA"!!!