Friday, January 3, 2014

Frozen Inspired magnet craft

Frozen inspired magnet craft

After seeing Disney's new and amazing animated film FROZEN, I was intrigued by the power of snow and the beauty of its icy components known as snowflakes. After singing "Let it Go" for weeks on end and finding random objects in my house, i put together an easy craft that requires little assembly, a few minutes, and costs little or no money. It is easy for kids to take part in and it won't burn a whole in anyone's pockets (thank goodness).

For this craft you will need:
Transparent glass stones used for fish tanks/crafts, any type of magnet (I personally cut up thin magnets I didn't like that I got as a party favor gift...yes I am very cheap:), and a hot glue gun or bottle of strong glue.

Step 1:
Print out small pictures (the size of a stone) of blue snowflakes. Note that the thicker the snowflake design looks, the more it shows up in the final result. I find that Google images works best to find a wide selection of snowflake designs..

Step 2:
After printing out your small snowflakes, make sure they are the right size for your stone.Cut  them out round in the same size as the stone.

Step 3: 
Use a strong glue (I prefer a hot glue gun) to apply the snowflake to the stone. Make sure that the glue is applied on the side showing the image and stuck to the stone in an even manner and pressed with your finger so that the glue does not form a distracting blob.

Step 4:
 Apply the magnet to the stone and image in the same way you glued the paper image. You may cut up any old magnet you don't mind getting rid of or a blank magnet you can buy or might find in your crafts closet.

Ta Da! You just made a Frozen snowflake magnet! You can use this same method with any image. As soon as your glue has dried you may stick your self-made magnet (congrats on the self-made part:) to your fridge, whiteboard, etc. 

Displaying image.jpg Displaying image.jpg

I hope you enjoyed the Craft! God bless and remember to always keep hold of your inner child. After all, "Adults are only kids grown up anyways." -Walt Disney.

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